Chapter Outline - Transitional Training
Chapter 1: Basic UI (41m 10s) - Menu Bar
- Toolbar / Status Line
- Command Panel / Channel Box
- Quad Menu / Marking Menu
- Hotbox
- Windows
Chapter 2: Navigating Views (24m 53s) - Zooming, Panning, and Rotating
- Switching Camera Angles
- Wireframe, Shading, and Lighting
Chapter 3: Creating and Selecting Objects (43m 07s) - Creating Primitives
- Creating Joints and Curves
- Selection Filters
- Selection Highlighting
- Selection Priorities
Chapter 4: Transforming Objects (39m 53s) - 3D Gizmos
- Click-drag Transforming
- Constraining Axis Transformations
- Duplicating Objects
- Snapping
- Mirroring and Aligning
Chapter 5: Managing the Scene (19m 50s) - Hiding Objects
- Freezing and Templating
- Layers
- Hiding Subobjects and Components
Chapter 6: Modeling (47m 18s) - Modifying Primitives
- Deformers and Modifiers
- Modifier Stack / Construction History
- Move Component Tool
- Soft Selection
- Basic UV Editing
Chapter 7: Animation (54m 35s) - Setting Keys
- Displaying 3D Animation Curves
- Graph Editor
- Bones / Joints
- Skinning
- Setting Frame Range
Chapter 8: Rendering (20m 16s) - Render Options
- Assigning Materials / Shaders
- Connecting Texture Nodes
- Outputting Animation Files
- Excluding Objects from Shading
BONUS Chapter - Customizing the Maya UI (15m 29s) - Hotkeys
- Marking Menus
- Colors
- Saving Preference Files
Conclusion (24m 10s)
This last section will give you a very quick rundown of most of the material already covered in the previous chapters. The conclusion also details many of the key differences between 3ds Max and Maya.
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